graphical header showing various types of workers

Visiting researchers

Our recent esteemed visiting researchers include:

Yasmine Bezzaz, MSc Management (2019-2020)
Doctoral student at the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences
Rabat-Agdal Mohammed V University, Morocco

Emma Cedstrand (2022)
Licensed psychologist, Doctoral student
Unit of Occupational Medicine, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet

Adam Chati, PhD (2022)
Professor of Human Management and Organizational Behavior
Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences
Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco

Siw Tone Innstrand, PhD (2022)
Professor, Occupational Health Psychology
Director of the Center for Health Promotion Research
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Seung-Sup Kim, MD, MPH, ScD (2019-2020)
Associate Professor of Epidemiology
Korea University, South Korea

Ann Sophie Lauterbach, M.Sc. (2022)
Doctoral student at the Future of Work Lab 
Chair of Organizational Behavior; University of Konstanz

Felipe Muñoz Medina, PhD (2024-2025)
Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management
Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Stephanie Neidlinger (2023)
Doctoral student at Helmut Schmidt University
Research Associate, Work and Organizational Psychology, Helmut Schmidt University

Marta Pilotto, LL.M. (2019-2020)
Doctoral student in Comparative and European Legal Studies
University of Trento, Italy