graphical header showing various types of workers

NIOSH publishes the National Total Worker Health Agenda

Cover of the National Total Worker Health Agenda

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has published the National Total Worker Health® Agenda, a National Occupational Research Agenda to define and prioritize occupational safety and health research, practice, and prevention activities for the next decade.

The long-term vision of Total Worker Health (TWH) is to protect the safety and health of workers and to advance their well-being by creating safer and healthier work environments and addressing employment-related issues. In support of this vision, the Agenda articulates a variety of strategic goals, intermediate goals, and activity/output goals within the domains of research, practice, policy, and capacity-building.

This Agenda builds on an earlier Proposed National TWH Agenda released in September 2014 for stakeholder comment. The resulting input has critically shaped the direction of the Agenda and the TWH program at NIOSH as a whole, as evidenced by NIOSH’s Response to Summarized Stakeholders’ Comments, which lists specific edits to the Agenda prompted by feedback received.

More information about the final Agenda and NIOSH’s Response to Summarized Stakeholder Comments is available at